These series of notes combined
- My notes on reading Software Foundation and (if any) watching on Coq intensive.
- Gotchas from my independent studies and discussion within Prof.Fluet‘s class.
code is a gorgeous example of literal programming and the compiled.html
website is full-fledged.
So this note is intended to be NOT self-contained and only focus on things I found essential or interesting.
This note is intended to be very personal and potentially mix English with Chinese (You can Lol)
So yeah. Don’t expect it to be well organized and well written.
I posted it on blog mainly for my own references purpose.
The quotes could either come from the book or saying from someone (even including me).
Data and Functions
Custom Notation
1 | Notation "x && y" := (andb x y). |
can go pretty far with unicode char…
making things infix
1 | Notation "x + y" := (plus x y) |
why 40
? Making sure there are still rooms for priority in between…
no known PL using real number for priority though
Data Constructor with arguments
there are 2 ways to define them:
1 | Inductive color : Type := |
Syntax for arguments having the same type
As a notational convenience, if two or more arguments have the same type, they can be written together
1 | Inductive nybble : Type := |
1 | Fixpoint mult (n m : nat) : nat := |
and Structrual Recursion
This requirement is a fundamental feature of Coq’s design: In particular, it guarantees that every function that can be defined in Coq will terminate on all inputs.
However, Coq’s “decreasing analysis” is not very sophisticated. E.g.
1 | Fixpoint evenb (n:nat) : bool := |
will result in a error that basically complains “this structure is not shrinking”.
1 | Error: |
N.B. the n0
and n1
are sub-terms of n
where n = S (S _)
So we have to make the sub-structure explicit to indicate the structure is obviously shrinking:
1 | Fixpoint evenb (n:nat) : bool := |
Now Coq will know this Fixpoint
is performing a structural recursion over the 1st recursion and it guarantees to be terminated since the structure is decreasing:
1 | evenb is defined |
Proof by Case Analysis
1 | Theorem plus_1_neq_0_firsttry : ∀n : nat, |
does nothing since both +
and =?
have 2 cases.
so we have to destruct
as 2 cases: nullary O
and unary S n'
1 | intros n. destruct n as [ (* O *) | (* S *) n'] eqn:E. |
- the intro pattern
as [ |n']
name new bindings. eqn:E
annonate the destructedeqn
(equation?) asE
in the premises of proofs. It could be elided if not explicitly used, but useful to keep for the sake of documentation as well.
1 | subgoal 1 |
If there is no need to specify any names, we could omit as
clause or simply write as [|]
or as []
In fact. Any as
clause could be ommited and Coq will fill in random var name auto-magically.
A small caveat on intro
1 | intros x y. destruct y as [ | y ] eqn:E. |
By doing this, name y
is shadowed. It’d usually better to use, say y'
for this purpose.
standing for Latin words “Quod Erat Demonstrandum”…meaning “that which was to be demonstrated”.
- 本文标题:「SF-LC」1 Basics
- 创建时间:2021-03-28 00:00:00
- 本文链接:posts/3097.html
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